Explore our Live Classes

If you are one of the people who have a preference for physical interaction when it comes to learning, then our physical classes are for you

Tax for CEOs Masterclass


Do you know there are at least 5 incentives that SME businesses are entitled to? Network with other business CEOs while you gain essential knowledge that business owners need to know when it comes to Taxes.
The program covers the different tax types, tax optimization strategies and eligible tax incentives for your business. The program also covers record-keeping, managing audits and other relevant subjects related to the tax obligations for most businesses

Tax for Startups Masterclass


Do you know the nature of business you register can go a long way to determine your tax obligations?
Network with other business startups and aspiring CEOs while you learn about the different types of taxes, how to navigate the common pitfalls business owners make while setting up their business, and common pitfalls businesses make in their early days

Understanding Tax for Export


Do you know businesses do not pay tax on the profit earned from Exports?
Network with other exporters while you gain essential knowledge that Exporters need to know when it comes to Taxes.
This course offers information to understand the tax regulations as it relates to Export, leverage incentives, and earn forex.

Understanding Tax for Agriculture


Do you know there are numerous incentives available for companies that are in the Agribusiness?
Network with other Agribusiness expert and startups alike while you gain essential knowledge you need to know when it comes to Taxes.
This course offers information to understand the tax regulations as it relates to Agribusiness, leverage incentives, earn profit while feeding the nation.

Understanding Tax for Manufacturing


Do you know as a Manufacturer, your effective VAT rate is less than 7.5%?
Network with other manufacturers while you gain essential knowledge your business needs when it comes to Taxes.
This course offers information to understand the tax regulations as it relates to Manufacturers, leverage incentives, and maximise profits.

Understanding Tax for Importers and Distributors


Do you know the VAT you can collect back the VAT you paid when you imported or bought your goods?
Network with other distributors, while you gain essential knowledge that your business needs when it comes to Taxes.
This course offers information to understand the tax regulations as it relates to importation and distribution, leverage incentives, and maximise profits.